كتاب اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الاعدادى 2024 ترم اول

تحميل كتاب اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الاعدادى الجديد الفصل الدراسى الاول 2023-2024

 تحميل كتاب اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الاول 2024

نقدم لكم اليوم كتاب منهج اللغة الانجليزية الجديد للصف الثالث الاعدادى الترم الاول مكتوب بصيغة PDF، الطبعة الجديدة من كتاب اللغة الانجليزية  New Hello" English for Preparatory Schools Year Three".

التعريف بالكتاب

 تحرص وزارة التربية والتعليم المصرية أن يصل الكتاب إلى جميع طلاب الصف الثالث الاعدادى من خلال رفع نسخة من الكتاب بصيغة البى دى اف قالبلة للتحميل على الاجهزة الالكترونية.

محتويات الكتاب

1- Visitors to Egypt

Revision of should / shouldn’t: You should definitely try some windsurfing.
You shouldn’t walk too much in the sun.
Tourists should wear sun cream when it’s very hot.
• talking about tourism and tourist activities
• talking about places in Egypt
• asking for and giving recommendations
• identifying parts of speech
• writing an email recommendingplaces for tourists to visit
Tools For Life:The importance of tourism

2- Books and reading

few / fewer / the fewest; little / less/ the least:
There are lots of historical stories here, but there are few detective stories.
This book has the fewest number of pages and will take you the least amount of time to read.
• talking about books and reading
• discussing a story
• expressing feelings
• identifying word endings
• writing a book review
Project:Writing a summary of your favourite book

3- Festivals and special days

Revision of the present and past simple passive:
Spring is celebrated in different ways all over the world.
Sham el-Nessim was first held to celebrate the start of spring.
• talking about festivals and special days
• sequencing events
• writing a conclusion
• writing an email about a special day
Eye on Egypt:Sham el-Nessim
Critical Thinking:The importance of festivals

4- Science and technology

might / must / can’t be:It can’t be easy if you don’t know how to use a computer.
A lesson might be about how fast a ball falls through the air.
The students must be hardworking.
• talking about technology
• describing objects
• expressing certainty and uncertainty
• identifying stressed syllables
• writing an article about technology
Tools For Life:Using technology and understanding the difficulties that others face

5- Achievements 

could / couldn’t, was / were (not)
able to:After only three months, he could
read, write and speak English.
I was able to find your street, but I couldn’t find your house.
• talking about ability in the past
• adding information
• using irregular plurals
• writing a paragraph about achievements
Project:Deciding on a person who deserves an award

6- Inventors 

Transitive and intransitive verbs:
When you speak, it will answer!
It will turn its head.
Some robots dive underwater to study the sea.
• emphasising a point
• giving topic sentences
• writing a report
Eye on Egypt:The invention of ships and sails
• Critical Thinking:Important inventions

7- All about sports

have to / had to and must / mustn’t
for obligation:Tennis balls have to weigh 56-59.49 grams.
Players had to hit the ball with their hands.
I must find a new sport for mystudents to play in winter.
• talking about obligations
• adding information
• understanding words with more than one meaning
• writing rules for a sport
Tools For Life:Playing fair and not cheating

8- How we learn 

-ing forms:
Writing words on paper helps some people to learn things.
Athletes have fantastic control over their muscles, breathing and balance.
• talking about intelligence
• talking about internet safety
• talking about problems and offering help
• practising collocations
• writing a text offering help
Project:Writing a quiz

9- The senses

 Non-defining relative clauses:
Louis Braille, who was born in 1809,became blind after an accident.
Some computers, which can quickly change text into Braille, now have Braille printers.
• talking about systems of communication
• inviting, accepting and refusing invitations
• writing addresses
• writing an invitation to an event
Eye on Egypt:The Deaf School in Cairo
• Critical Thinking:Helping the deaf

تعديلات منهج اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الاعداى الترم الاول

لقد تم تعديل كتاب اللغة الانجليزية وبالتالى تم تغيير فى اسئلة امتحان منهج اللغة الانجليزية ومن أهم التعديلات التى أدخلت على منهج اللغة الانجليزية الجديد ما يلى:
  1. سؤال Rewrite اصبح علية 3 درجات فى الامتحان بدلاً من درجة ونصف.
  2. تم تقليل درجة البراجراف إلى 5 درجات بدلاً من 6 درجات و عدد الجمل المطلوب كتابتها اصبح 7 جمل.
  3. سؤال الكلمة التى تحتها خط تم حذفه من الامتحان.
  4. سؤال المحادثة اصبح اربع نقط لكل نقطة درجة.
  5. تحمىل كتاب اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الاعدادي

    الحجم : 10 MB
    عدد الصفحات : 128
    الصيغة : PDF

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